21. 9. 2024

Gateway to the Czech Republic

  • Gateway to the Czech Republic

    The rich world needs higher real wage growth

    CENTRAL bankers and economists have spilled much ink in recent years on the question of why wages have not grown more. The average unemployment rate in advanced economies is 5.3%, lower than before…
  • Gateway to the Czech Republic

    The changing world of work

    “MONEY often costs too much,” quipped Ralph Waldo Emerson. But a new study suggests that since 1950, the price of buying it with labour in America has fallen. Greg Kaplan of the University of Chicago…
  • Gateway to the Czech Republic

    China starts easing monetary policy. Or does it?

    CHINESE investors often refer in jest to the central bank as “central mama”. The idea is that it can be counted on to provide tender love—that is, policy easing—when market conditions are rough. But…
  • Gateway to the Czech Republic

    A referendum on the way money is created

    TO ITS opponents, the Vollgeld initiative is “suicidal” and a “dangerous experiment”. To its supporters, it is the ticket to a “fairer and more stable banking system”. Swiss voters will decide for…
  • Gateway to the Czech Republic

    A case for owning euro-zone shares

    IN AN episode of “Seinfeld”, a 1990s television comedy, George Costanza, a serial failure played by Jason Alexander, decides that every instinct he has is wrong. So he resolves to do the opposite. He…
  • Gateway to the Czech Republic


    On May 16th Callum Williams, our Britain economics correspondent, was named joint winner of the Young Financial Journalist of the Year at the Wincott Awards, an annual set of prizes for British…

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