21. 9. 2024

Gateway to the Czech Republic

  • Gateway to the Czech Republic


    “THIS will require a quick lesson in global economics…bear with me,” says Erik Killmonger, the muscular villain in “Black Panther”, a long-running Marvel Comics series. In that saga and the recent…
  • Gateway to the Czech Republic

    Wall Street looks overvalued

    FEW measures of stockmarket valuation are as controversial as the cyclically adjusted price-earnings ratio, or CAPE. American equities have looked expensive on this measure for most of the past 20…
  • Gateway to the Czech Republic

    Can’t hardly wait

    LIKE teenagers, central bankers long to feel normal. For many of them (the central bankers, that is), the past decade has been an unusually angst-ridden one. They stumbled through it, confused by the…

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