4. 12. 2024


The Economist invites applications for the 2018 Marjorie Deane internship. Paid for by the Marjorie Deane Financial Journalism Foundation, the award is designed to provide work experience for a promising journalist or would-be journalist, who will spend three months at The Economist writing about finance and economics. Applicants are asked to write a covering letter and an original article of no more than 500 words suitable for publication in the Finance and economics section. Applications should be sent to deaneintern@economist.com by June 2nd. For more information, see www.marjoriedeane.com Internship print-edition icon Print edition | Finance and economics May 10th 2018 twitter icon facebook icon linkedin icon mail icon print icon The Economist invites applications for the 2018 Marjorie Deane internship. Paid for by the Marjorie Deane Financial Journalism Foundation, the award is designed to provide work experience for a promising journalist or would-be journalist, who will spend three months at The Economist writing about finance and economics. Applicants are asked to write a covering letter and an original article of no more than 500 words suitable for publication in the Finance and economics section. Applications should be sent to deaneintern@economist.com by June 2nd. For more information, see www.marjoriedeane.com Latest stories When did Donald Trump make it “crystal clear” the travel ban was not a Muslim ban? Democracy in America2 hours ago The hierarchy of countries winning Nobels in the sciences is shifting Graphic detail6 hours ago A teen fiction sensation about race and police brutality Prospero9 hours ago The many ways art goes missing Culture9 hours ago Japan, China and South Korea get together Asia10 hours ago Air France-KLM is being brought to its knees by its unions Gulliver12 hours ago See more print-edition icon Print edition | Finance and economics May 10th 2018 twitter icon facebook icon linkedin icon mail icon print icon Reuse this contentAbout The Economist


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